XLok staat in het tekstdocument P50X_LT.TXT
*** XLok (080h) - length = 1+4 bytes
Parameters (byte) - please check also P50Xa 'L' cmd:
1st low byte of Lok address
2nd high byte of Lok address
3rd speed (0..127: 0 = Stop, 1 = Stop/Em.Stop)
N.B. bit #7 is reserved for future use!
4th this byte has the following format:
bit# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
|ChgF |Force| Dir | FL | F4 | F3 | F2 | F1 |
ChgF set if F1..F4 to be used for setting F1..F4 of
Lok (otherwise F1..F4 are ignored)
Force if set (1), then the XLok command is 'forced'
even in case of a Lok already controlled by a
non-PC device
Dir Lok direction: 1 = forward, 0 = reverse
FL Lok light status: 1 = on, 0 = off
F4..F1 Lok F4..F1 status (if ChgF is set)